ICAP’s CQUIN network will showcase experiences and lessons learned in differentiated service delivery (DSD) at the 11th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV (IAS 2021). CQUIN will host three virtual satellite sessions on DSD for maternal and child health services, DSD for migrant and displaced populations, and DSD and COVID-19.
Sunday, July 18, 19:00- 20:30 CEST (UTC+01:00) – Pre-recorded
Leveraging the Lessons of Differentiated Service Delivery to Provide High-Quality Integrated Maternal and Child Health Services
Elaine Abrams, MD, ICAP’s senior research director, and Fatima Tsiouris, MS, ICAP’s deputy director for Human Resources for Health (HRH) Development, will lead a 90-minute pre-recorded session summarizing key issues presented at the recently held CQUIN virtual meeting on Maternal and Child Health Services.
The satellite session will feature a dynamic debate between Aleny Couto, MD, Ministry of Health, Mozambique and Angela Mushavi, MD, Ministry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe on whether all mother/baby pairs should be followed in a DSD Model as a unit. The debate will be followed by reflections from Robinah Babirye, a recipient of care and advocate for young people living with HIV in Uganda.
Session link:Â https://theprogramme.ias2021.org/Programme/Session/166
Monday, July 19, 19:00- 20:30 CEST (UTC+01:00) – Pre-recorded
Differentiated HIV Services for Mobile, Migrant and Displaced Populations
Miriam Rabkin, MD, MPH, ICAP director for Health Systems Strategies will make framing remarks for this session, followed by two presentations on the links between mobility and HIV and four presentations exploring the challenges of optimizing HIV services for mobile, migrant, and displaced people in Nigeria, Mozambique, and South Sudan.
Carol Camlin, PhD, MPH, from the University of California San Francisco will give a presentation on Human Mobility and the HIV Pandemic: Challenges, Questions, Solutions, followed by a presentation by Andrea Low, MD, MPH, clinical and scientific director of the PHIA Project entitled Human Mobility and HIV Infection – What can we learn from population-based surveys?
Following these cross-cutting presentations, Jibrin Bilkisu, MD, FMCOG, head of HIV Care and Treatment at Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Health and Olawale Fadare, MBBS, technical director for ICAP in Nigeria will discuss differentiated service delivery for displaced people in Nigeria;  Hélder Macul, MD, DSD advisor for Mozambique’s Ministry of Health’s National STI/HIV/AIDS Control Program will discuss DSD for displaced people in Mozambique, and Shambel Aragaw, MD, deputy director of ICAP in South Sudan will discuss DSD for displaced people in South Sudan.
Session link:Â https://theprogramme.ias2021.org/Programme/Session/165
Monday July 19, 21:00- 22:30 CEST (UTC+01:00) – Semi-live
Differentiated Service Delivery and COVID-19: Resilience, Innovation, and Lessons Learned
Peter Preko, MB.ChB, MPH, CQUIN project director will open this satellite session which focuses on how countries in the CQUIN network have adapted HIV service delivery models in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. He will be followed by presentations from Catherine Godfrey MD, FRACP, senior technical advisor, HIV Care and Treatment, PEPFAR / Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator, and Tiffany Harris, PhD, MS, director of ICAP’s Strategic Information Unit. Godfrey will describe the expansion of multi-month dispensing in PEPFAR-supported countries during COVID-19 and Harris will describe the resilience of HIV service delivery at more than 1,000 ICAP supported sites.
Following these cross-cutting presentations, panelists will discuss case studies from Rwanda, Uganda, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, and Nigeria.  The panelists will then participate in a live Q&A session.
ICAP will also present a variety of e-posters stemming from life-saving work and research in key programmatic areas we support. Details of ICAP specific e-posters and other presentations are available on the ICAP website.
*CEST – Central European Standard Time.