CDC HCTB Webinar — CQUIN Advancing the Coverage, Quality, and Impact of HIV Services through the Advancement of Differentiated Service Delivery Models

Event Date: May 22, 2024 - 8:00am to 9:30am ET

On Wednesday, May 22, The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) will host a webinar on CQUIN’s collaborative efforts with countries to scale up differentiated service delivery. The aim of the webinar is to introduce CQUIN to CDC staff who may be less familiar with the network and highlight examples of the important work, achievements, and collaborations between CDC and CQUIN in PEPFAR-supported countries.


Dr. Peter Preko, CQUIN PI and Project Director

Dr. Lazarus Momanyi, Kenya MOH, and Dr. Evelyn Ngugi, CDC

Dr. Clorata Gwanzura, Zimbabwe MOH, and Dr. Talent Maphosa, CDC


Michelle Williams-Sherlock. CDC HQ

This is a 90-minute webinar starting at 8 am EST.

Details to join the meeting are below:

Meeting ID: 289 650 328 367

Passcode: rvPAzN

Dial-in by phone

+1 404-718-3800,,189079122# United States, Atlanta

(888) 994-4478,,189079122# United States (Toll-free)

Phone conference ID: 189 079 122#

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