CQUIN is deploying a rapid response to the current changing landscape. Click here for information.

Launched in April 2017, this community of practice meets regularly to facilitate the exchange of information, best practices, and tools amongst national differentiated service delivery (DSD) coordinators.


Community of Practice

The National DSD Coordinators Community of Practice (CoP) is a platform for the CQUIN Project Director and CQUIN country liaisons to provide technical support and mentorship to the DSD coordinators, including the exchange and review of tools and resources, peer-to-peer feedback, CQUIN-related updates, country updates, and planning for upcoming meetings.

Recently, this platform has expanded to include National HIV Testing leads and, occasionally, National Monitoring and Evaluation leads.

  • Participants include an average of 30 to 35 people from the 21 CQUIN member countries.
  • Dr. Peter Preko (CQUIN Principal Investigator and Project Director) is the technical lead, supported by Ms. Phephile Dlamini (Project Operations Coordinator).


  • The CoP meets virtually every month for updates on CQUIN network activities and country DSD updates.
  • Member countries use the platform to discuss CQUIN operational strategies concerning meetings and country engagement.
  • Member countries also use the platform to give feedback to the CQUIN team.
  • Other CQUIN CoPs also use this platform to help propagate information and coordinate country activities related to the CoPs.
  • The platform facilitates the swift exchange of DSD-related policy documents, guidelines, country standard operating procedures, and monitoring and evaluation tools used in the network countries.


See individual country pages.