ASLM Launches Laboratory Systems Learning Network (LabCOP) in partnership with CQUIN

Nov 17, 2017

“At a recent meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM) launched a new initiative called the Laboratory Systems Strengthening Community of Practice (LabCoP). LabCoP is a learning network of multidisciplinary country teams working together to create knowledge and share information, experiences and best practices. It is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and supported by ICAP at Columbia University, and the Extension for Community Health Outcomes (Project ECHO™) at the University of New Mexico, Health Sciences Center.

‘ICAP is pleased to be supporting this important initiative,’ noted Dr. Miriam Rabkin, ICAP’s director for health systems strategies. ‘The fact that LabCoP will engage not only laboratorians but clinicians, clients and civil society, and program managers makes it uniquely positioned to strengthen laboratory systems and services in a way that will achieve the ultimate goals of stronger health systems and better health outcomes.’”

Read the full story from ASLM

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