CQUIN is developing a rapid response to the current changing landscape, so please watch this space!

CQUIN 2.0 will Broaden Network Focus to Include Differentiated Testing Services

Jun 14, 2022

In March 2022, ICAP received funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to support an extension of CQUIN activities through July 2027. This “CQUIN 2.0” award will support an expanded portfolio of differentiated treatment activities, including those focused on DSD models for people established on treatment, advanced HIV disease, TB/HIV, maternal and child health, HIV and non-communicable diseases, and key and vulnerable populations.

In addition, CQUIN 2.0 will launch a new stream of work focused on differentiated testing and linkage services. Upcoming activities include hosting a satellite session on differentiated testing services (dHTS) at the AIDS2022 conference, incorporating differentiated linkage into CQUIN’s August meeting on Differentiated Service Delivery across the HIV Cascade: Leveraging DSD Strategies to Optimize Linkage, Retention, and Re-engagement, and developing a dHTS capability maturity model dashboard to complement CQUIN’s current treatment dashboard.

The ICAP CQUIN team is working to pilot the testing dashboard with Ministries of Health in seven countries: Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia, Malawi, Senegal, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The tool will then be scaled up to all network countries in 2023. Development of the dHTS dashboard started in October 2021 and included an iterative consultative process with input from a wide network of stakeholders. To date, ICAP is grateful to have received input from representatives of the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), the World Health Organization, the International AIDS Society, the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition, PEPFAR, CDC, USAID, the Global Fund, FHI360, Solthis, and more than 15 ministries of health and other key stakeholders.

The piloting countries will share their findings during the CQUIN annual meeting in December 2022, and all 21 CQUIN network countries will use the dashboard for self-staging in 2023.

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