Bringing ART Closer to Communities: The Role of Community Pharmacy DSD Models

Aug 9, 2022

Date: Tuesday, August 9, 2022




Welcome/Housekeeping Peter Preko
Framing Remarks Moses Bateganya, FHI 360
Country Case Studies from Uganda, Nigeria, DRC, and Liberia
Uganda Ivan Arinaitwe, DSD Coordinator
Nigeria Uzoma Atu, National PSM Focal Point)
DRC Richard Ingwe Chuy, DSD Coordinator
Liberia Samretta Caldwell, DSD Coordinator
Panel Discussion and Q&A Ivan Arinaitwe, Uzoma Atu, Richard Ingwe Chuy, Liberia (TBD), + Lazarus Momanyi (DSD Coordinator Kenya), Lillian Mworeko (ICWEA, Uganda), Nkechi Okoro (NEPWAN, Nigeria)
Closing Remarks Peter Preko


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