ITPC Advocacy for Community Treatment Toolkit 2.0

Strengthening Community Responses to HIV Treatment and Prevention

The aim of the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition’s Advocacy for Community Treatment (ACT) Toolkit is to support and train community activists to advocate for access to treatment for people living with HIV, including those from key populations. Community activists often lack the knowledge and skills needed to raise their voices and communicate their needs in the local and national forums where decisions are made.

The ACT Toolkit 2.0 includes new content on the World Health Organization’s 2015 treatment guidelines, monitoring HIV treatment with routine viral load testing, and the Fast-Track global initiative to scale-up the HIV response and end the HIV epidemic by 2030. The toolkit also contains new sections on HIV/Tuberculosis co-infection and Hepatitis C virus, giving activists a comprehensive understanding of these diseases and their association with HIV.

ITPC Advocacy for Community Treatment Toolkit 2.0