Since the HIV Coverage, Quality, and Impact Network’s (CQUIN) inception, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of differentiated service delivery (DSD) has been a top priority for member countries. That’s why in 2017, CQUIN launched the differentiated M&E community of practice to help countries share experiences and work together to develop resources that help M&E systems evolve and adapt to the changing landscape of HIV services.
The first tool on which community of practice members collaborated was the M&E Framework for DSD, which prioritizes M&E measures to track the scale-up, coverage, and performance of DSD models for antiretroviral treatment (ART). Since the Framework was rolled out in March 2018, ministries of health in at least six CQUIN countries—including Uganda, Eswatini, and Zimbabwe—have used it to guide the development of national tools and strategies for differentiated M&E.