CQUIN is developing a rapid response to the current changing landscape, so please watch this space!


Differentiated Service Delivery in Senegal



Percent of health facilities providing less-intensive DART models.

100% (144 on a total of 144 ART sites) providing Less intensive DSD models. Period: June 2022. Source: MoH Survey Database

% In Less-Intensive
Differentiated Treatment Models

Percent of people on ART who are enrolled in less-intensive DART models.

Data on model mix not yet captured by the national M&E system.

Multi-month ART Dispensing



Percent of people on ART receiving ≥ 6 months of ART at a time. 

MMD6+: 9% (2896/31646)
MMD3-5: 59% (18722/31646)
MMD<3: 32% (10028/31646)
Period: June 2022. Source: MoH Survey Database

DART Model

Number of groups for whom less-intensive DART models have been designed and implemented.

Differentiated ART Models are available for adults who are doing well on ART and eligible adolescents. As well as for additional category of patients
MIM (Conventional model; ADH; High VL model)
FBI (AS+FT; AS w/o FT)
FBG (ART club; Teens club),
CBI (outreach; Com. ART Distribution)
CBG (Com. Support Group; Family model)
Period: June 2022.
Source: Country update data from DLSI

Differentiated Service Delivery Implementation in Senegal

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