Implementing Differentiated Services Delivery: Differentiated Monitoring & Evaluation

In his presentation from the CQUIN launch meeting in Durban, South Africa, ICAP Epidemiologist Bill Reidy, PhD, provided an overview of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) for differentiated care, and the complex challenges it poses to the scale-up of differentiated service delivery.

He noted that the flexibility of DSD models—so important for patient centered care—contrasts with the need for standardized M&E indicators and systems. Revisiting the DSD dashboard, he noted that M&E systems could be either an enabler or a barrier to effective scale-up of differentiated care. Dr. Reidy described an approach to “differentiated M&E” and its rationale. Differentiated M&E is a focus of the CQUIN network, and one of the planned network communities of practice.

Implementing Differentiated Services Delivery: Differentiated Monitoring & Evaluation