CQUIN is developing a rapid response to the current changing landscape, so please watch this space!

CQUIN Launches “DSD in the Time of COVID-19” Video Diary Series – And You Can Play a Starring Role!

Aug 11, 2020

CQUIN is collecting two-minute video diaries from network members describing their experiences with DSD in the time of COVID-19. If you haven’t yet recorded yours yet, what are you waiting for?

The video series is an extension of both the CQUIN-COVID-19 resource collection, and this year’s COVID-19 webinar series, which focused on the adaptations network countries have made to their DSD models and policies since the start of the global pandemic.

In the first series of videos, representatives from Côte d’Ivoire, Eswatini, Malawi, and Sierra Leone talk about measures their Ministries of Health and National AIDS Control Programs have implemented in response to the challenges of providing HIV services in the context of curfews, lockdowns, and the suspension of group gatherings.

Find out from Alren Vandy, MD, MPH, from Sierra Leone’s National AIDS Control Program, how the country fast-tracked DSD implementation, and modified ART eligibility criteria to ensure that all recipients of care can access treatment during the country’s lockdown.

Herve Kambale, MD, from the Eswatini Ministry of Health, and Stanley Ngoma, MD, from the Malawi Ministry of Health also share how their respective countries expanded and instituted six-month, multi-month dispensing (6-MMD) for most of their clients, among other innovations.

“The CQUIN network is all about making connections,” said Miriam Rabkin, MD, MPH, principal investigator of the CQUIN learning network. “Learning from one another does not have to stop during times of crisis. This video series will add to our online and virtual resources, bringing the CQUIN community together in new ways,” Dr. Rabkin said.

CQUIN is hoping to extend the series to feature DSD implementing partners, health workers, recipients of care, and anyone who has a story to share on DSD in the time of COVID-19.

We want to hear from you! To find out how you can share your story, contact CQUIN communications.

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