CQUIN Third Annual Meeting Johannesburg, South Africa

Dec 6, 2019

CQUIN Third Annual Meeting: Presentations summary of  Day 1,  Day 2,  Day 3


Opening Remarks

Responding to the HIV Epidemic with Precision Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr, Director, ICAP at Columbia University CQUIN Update Dr. Peter Preko, CQUIN Director, ICAP at Columbia University

Session 1: Plenary Presentation | DSD State of the Art Update

CQUIN 2019: Where are we now?  Dr. Miriam Rabkin, Director of Health Systems Strategies, ICAP at Columbia University

Session 2: Panel Presentations | DSD: Where are we now?

PEPFAR and DSD Dr. Catherine Godfrey, Senior Technical Advisor, HIV Care and Treatment, PEPFAR / Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator The Global Fund: Improving the Quality and Efficiency of HIV Program Implementation Dr. Ade Fakoya, Senior Disease Coordinator HIV, The Global Fund DSD: Where are we now? Dr. Anna Grimsrud, Lead Technical Advisor, International AIDS Society DSD: Where are we now? Lillian Mworeko, Executive Director, International Community of Women Living with HIV Eastern Africa Dr. Nathan Ford, Scientific Officer, Department of HIV/AIDS and Global Hepatitis Program at the World Health Organization

Session 3: Panel Presentations | Country Presentations #1

Dr. Tsitsi Apollo (MoHCC Zimbabwe) Dr. Priscilla Lumano-Mulenga (MOH Zambia) Dr. Cordelia Katureebe (MOH Uganda) Dr. Mastidia Rutaihwa (MOH Tanzania)

Session 4: Panel Presentations | Implementation and Innovation – 1

TPT for Prisoners in Malawi Dr. Gabriella Ferlazzo, TB/HIV Adviser, MSF SAMU iThemba Mobile Application in South Africa  Dr. Samantha Lalla-Edward, Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute Differentiated HIV Testing Models for Men in Tanzania Dr. Cassia Wells, ICAP at Columbia University Differentiated ART Delivery for Clinically Stable Clients in West and Central Africa Lina Golob, DSD Project Manager, International AIDS Society Eswatini DSD Models for Key Populations Dr. Hervé Kambale, Technical Advisor, MOH Eswatini

Session 5: Breakout Session #1 | National DSD Progress and Strategies


Session 6: Plenary Presentation | DSD Community Monitoring

Community-Led Monitoring and Advocacy Solange Baptiste, MPH, Executive Director, International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC); Idrissa Songo, Executive Director, Network of HIV Positives in Sierra Leone

Session 7: Panel Presentations | Country Presentations #2

Lilian Diseko (NDOH South Africa) Dr. Irenio Gaspar (MOH Mozambique) Dr. Stanley Ngoma (MOH Malawi) Dr. Muthoni Karanja (MOH Kenya)

Session 8: Panel Presentations | CQUIN Communities of Practice

The CQUIN DSD Quality and QI Community of Practice Martin Msukwa, MPH,  OpCon Project Director and Regional Technical Advisor, ICAP in South Africa Community Engagement Working Group Bactrin Killingo, MD, Facilitator of Community Engagement CoP for CQUIN, Treatment Education Co-Led, ITPC Differentiated TB/HIV Services Cassia Wells, MD, MPH, MA, Clinical Officer, Clinical and Training Unit, ICAP at Columbia University DSD Coordinators Community of Practice Franck Boraud, MD, MPH, HIV Clinical Team Leader, ICAP in Côte d’Ivoire

Session 9a: Moderated Discussion (no slides) | Community Engagement

Session 9b: Panel Presentations | DSD Performance Reviews – Data for Action

M&E Community of Practice Co-created Tool: DSD Data Review Toolkit Mpande Mukumbwa-Mwenechanya, MClinPharm, Technical Advisor, Center for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) Côte d’Ivoire DSD Performance Review Preliminary Results Aka Camara, MD, Deputy Director of Evaluation, Ministry of Health and Sanitation in Côte d’Ivoire Zimbabwe DSD Performance Review Clorata Gwanzura, MD, MPH, Differentiated Care Medical Officer, Zimbabwe Ministry of Health and Child Care DSD Performance Review – Data for Action Josen Kiggundu, MD, MPH, National Technical Advisor for DSD, Ministry of Health of Uganda – AIDS Control Program

Session 9c: Panel Presentations | Implementation and Innovation – 2

Peer Models of Care for Differentiated Service Delivery; YAPS Model in Uganda Cordelia Katureebe, MD, National Coordinator HIV Care and Treatment, Ministry of Health of Uganda – AIDS Control Program DSD Implementation Experience in Kenya Evelyn Ngugi, MBChB, MPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Kenya Mozambique – Ethiopia South-to-South Visit (6MMD): Lessons Learned Irenio Gaspar, MD, Head of Care and Treatment, Ministry of Health of Mozambique Implementation of DSD Using QI Approach in Kenya; Lessons Learnt  Lazarus Momanyi, MD, Technical Advisor, National AIDS and STI Control Program

Session 10: Breakout Session #2 | Facility-based DART


Session 11: Plenary Presentation | The Future of DSD: What’s Next?

DSD 2.0 – The Future of Differentiated Service Delivery Peter Ehrenkranz, MD, MPH, Senior Program Officer for HIV Treatment, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Session 12: Panel Presentations | Country Presentations #3

Dr. Rudo Kuwengwa (MOH Eswatini) Tamrat Assefa (ICAP Ethiopia, on behalf of FMOH Ethiopia) Nazaguechi Patrice Ladji (MOH Cote d’Ivoire)

Session 13: Tools Lab

Session 14a: Panel Presentations | DSD Quality: Recipient of Care & Provider Perspectives

Recipient of Care and Health Worker Satisfaction in Eswatini Herve Kambale, MD, MPhil, DSD Technical Advisor, Ministry of Health of Eswatini Costs and Benefits to Recipients of HIV Treatment in DSD Models Sydney Rosen, MPA, AMBIT Project, Boston University School of Public Health Patient-Centered Care to Improve Quality of Services Mpande Mukumbwa-Mwenechanya, MClinPharm, Technical Advisor, Center for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia Applying Client Centered Design Processes to Optimize DSD Edward Bitarakwate, MBChB, MPH, Country Director, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Session 14b: Panel Presentations | Differentiated TB/HIV

Recap HIV DSD: Opportunities & Challenges for TB Prevention and Care   Lee Abdelfadil, MD, MPH, Senior HIV Advisor, The Global Fund Uganda 100-day TPT Scale Up Josen Kiggundu, MD, MPH, National Technical Advisor for DSD, Ministry of Health of Uganda – National AIDS Control Program Providing TB Preventive Treatment to People in CARGs: Feasibility & Acceptability in Zimbabwe  Clorata Gwanzura, MD, MPH, Differentiated Care Medical Officer, HIV Care and Treatment, Zimbabwe Ministry of Health and Child Care

Session 15: Debate!

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