DATE: November 5-7, 2018
Fostering Scale-Up of Differentiated Service Delivery to Achieve Sustainable Epidemic Control
The HIV Coverage, Quality, and Impact Network (CQUIN) held its second annual meeting from November 5-7 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The learning network brought together over 160 representatives from all 11 member countries, including representatives from ministries of health, civil society, advocacy groups, recipients of care, U.S. government agencies, multi-lateral and bilateral partners, academic institutions, and PEPFAR implementing partners.
The three-day meeting explored topics related to CQUIN’s communities of practice and country priorities for scaling up DSD. Participants worked together to review their progress towards DSD scale-up, uptake of the different DSD models and how they would like to optimize that, exchange best practices and key lessons learned, identify common challenges, and determine priorities for the coming year. They engaged in interactive panel discussions and breakout sessions, on topics ranging from differentiated testing to monitoring and evaluation of DSD. An interactive tools lab allowed country teams and partners to showcase innovations and resources used to support DSD implementation.
The ICAP Approach to Differentiated Service Delivery
Monday (November 5) Presentations
Tuesday (November 6) Presentations
Wednesday (November 7) Presentations
Poster Presentations
DSD Models
Measuring Uptake of ART Scholar Model in 3 Provinces in Zambia: An Analysis of DSD (CIDRZ)
The IDI-KCCA Community Pharmacy ART Refill Program
Uptake of HIV Services Among Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) at Ishtar MSM – Nairobi County
The Implementation of iACT Clubs in South Africa
National Programs
A Multi-Sectoral Coordination Approach to DSD Scale-Up in Eswatini
Taking DSD to Scale in Côte d’Ivoire: Phased Implementation to Achieve Impact
Taking DSD to Scale in Eswatini
Taking DSD to Scale in Ethiopia: A Focused Approach Leads to Rapid Expansion
Taking DSD to Scale in Kenya: Improving HIV Service Delivery for All
Taking DSD to Scale in Malawi: Expanding Promising Models to Address Gaps
Taking DSD to Scale in Mozambique: Evidence-Based Expansion of Community ART Groups
Taking DSD to Scale in South Africa: Leveraging Diverse Resources for Diverse Patient Needs
Taking DSD to Scale in Uganda: Diverse Models for HIV Care and Treatment
Taking DSD to Scale in Zambia: A Coordinated Strategy to Increase Coverage
Taking DSD to Scale in Zimbabwe: Building on a Strong Foundation
Accelerating DSD Scale-Up with South-to-South Learning Exchange Visits (ICAP)
Alternative Models of ART Delivery: Optimizing the Benefits (AMBIT)
Challenges Faced by PLHIV in Uganda with the DSD Model (NAFOPHANU)
Comparing the Male Attrition Rate (WITS RHI)
Leaving No One Behind: Reaching Hard to Reach Populations (CIDRZ)
Taking DSD Services to Scale: Strategic Decisions, Paths, and Priorities
Session 1: Setting the Scene
DSD: the view from recipients of care
Ms. Solange Baptiste, Executive Director, International Treatment and Preparedness Coalition (ITPC)
DSD: The View from WHO
Dr. Nathan Ford, Scientific Officer, Department of HIV/AIDS and Global Hepatitis Programme, WHO
DSD: The View from the Global Fund – Ade Fakoya
Dr. Ade Fakoya, Senior Disease Coordinator, HIV/AIDS,  The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria
DSD: The View from PEPFAR
Dr. Catherine Godfrey, Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator (OGAC)
Session 2: Panel Discussion – Country Status Reports: Monitoring DSD Scale-Up with DSD Review Meetings
Dr. Nomthandazo Lukhele (MOH Eswatini)
Dr. Tsitsi Apollo (MOH Zimbabwe)
Session 3: Panel Discussion – Peer Learning with South-to-South Visits
Dr. Josen Kiggundu (MOH Uganda)
Dr. Stanley Ngoma (MOH Malawi)
Dr. Herve Kambale (MOH Eswatini)
Dr. Sonia Chilundo (CDC Mozambique)
Session 5: Panel Presentations – Country Status Reports: Monitoring DSD Scale-up with Routine M&E
Dr. Priscilla Lumano-Mulenga (MOH Zambia)
Session 6: Panel Presentations – Differentiated Testing (Part 1)
Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr (ICAP NY): Reaching the First 90Â
Dr. Nathan Ford (WHO) Update from WHO
Dr. Anna Grimsrud (IAS): A Decision Framework for HIV Testing Services
Session 7: Panel Presentations – Differentiated Testing (Part 2)
Dr. Rukia Aksam (JOORTH Kenya): Reaching Men with Multi-Disease Testing
Peris Urasa (NACP Tanzania): Reaching Men with Community Outreach
Dr. Rose Nyirenda (MOH Malawi): Linkage from Testing to Prevention
Neema Makyao (NACP Tanzania): Linking from Testing to Treatment
Dr. Izukanji Sikazwe (CIDRZ): HIV Self-Testing in Zambia
Session 9: Panel Presentations – Country Status Reports
Dr. Mastidia Rutaihwa (MOH Tanzania)
Dr. Koffi Simplice Bohoussou (MOH Cote d’Ivoire)
Dr. Stanley Ngoma (MOH Malawi)
Dr. Aleny Couto (MOH Mozambique)
Additional Resources
What Works for Me: Activist Toolkit on Differentiated Service Delivery (English)
Patient- and Program-level M&E of DSD for HIV: A Pragmatic and Parsimonious Approach is Needed
Differentiated Service Delivery for Adults at High Risk of HIV Disease Progression: A Call to Action
ICAP Resources for Test and Treat All
Past Meeting Summaries
DSD for Adults at High Risk of HIV Disease Progression
DSD for Adolescents Living with HIV
The Science and Practice of DSD Scale-Up
Also available with French and Portuguese Introduction and Executive Summary